Pousada Baía Bonita - Praia da Armação, Búzios, RJ - Brasil

phone: +55 (22) 2623-0950 / whatsapp: +55 (22) 99875-5317


The famous Rua das Pedras shelters hundreds of facilites ranging from gift shops to famous brands. The refinement of the trade, the bars and pubs harmonize perfectly with the sophisticated restaurants, creating a unique atmosphere at the site. In fact, when it comes to gastronomy, the city is a reference, because it houses many restaurants with national and international cuisines that attract the whole world in a festival that happens in the middle of the year, the Gastronomic Festival of Búzios.

orla bardot
Bardot Coast
rua das pedras
Rua das Pedras
lojas e galerias
Shops and Galleries